

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-05

#cd 版本目录/src/current/
#make linux

./iozone -a -n 4g -g 4g -i 0 -i 1 -i 5 -f /sde/iozone -Rb ./iozone.xls


1, 写测试文件时,文件小,内存足够,不存在数据刷新到硬盘的操作,数据被写到页高速缓存即返回;

2, 读测试文件时,数据已在高速缓存,亦可直接返回


Usage: iozone [-s filesize_Kb] [-r record_size_Kb] [-f [path]filename] [-h]
[-i test] [-E] [-p] [-a] [-A] [-z] [-Z] [-m] [-M] [-t children]
[-l min_number_procs] [-u max_number_procs] [-v] [-R] [-x] [-o]
[-d microseconds] [-F path1 path2...] [-V pattern] [-j stride]
[-T] [-C] [-B] [-D] [-G] [-I] [-H depth] [-k depth] [-U mount_point]
[-S cache_size] [-O] [-L cacheline_size] [-K] [-g maxfilesize_Kb]
[-n minfilesize_Kb] [-N] [-Q] [-P start_cpu] [-e] [-c] [-b Excel.xls]
[-J milliseconds] [-X write_telemetry_filename] [-w] [-W]
[-Y read_telemetry_filename] [-y minrecsize_Kb] [-q maxrecsize_Kb]
[- u] [- m cluster_filename] [- d] [- x multiplier] [- p # ]
[- r] [- t] [- X] [- Z] [- w percent dedupable] [- y percent_interior_dedup]
[- C percent_dedup_within]

-a Auto mode
-A Auto2 mode
-b Filename Create Excel worksheet file
-B Use mmap() files
-c Include close in the timing calculations
-C Show bytes transferred by each child in throughput testing
-d # Microsecond delay out of barrier
-D Use msync(MS_ASYNC) on mmap files
-e Include flush (fsync,fflush) in the timing calculations
-E Run extension tests
-f filename to use
-F filenames for each process/thread in throughput test
-g # Set maximum file size (in Kbytes) for auto mode (or #m or #g)
-G Use msync(MS_SYNC) on mmap files
-h help
-H # Use POSIX async I/O with # async operations
-i # Test to run (0=write/rewrite, 1=read/re-read, 2=random-read/write
3=Read-backwards, 4=Re-write-record, 5=stride-read, 6=fwrite/re-fwrite
7=fread/Re-fread, 8=random_mix, 9=pwrite/Re-pwrite, 10=pread/Re-pread
11=pwritev/Re-pwritev, 12=preadv/Re-preadv)
-I Use VxFS VX_DIRECT, O_DIRECT,or O_DIRECTIO for all file operations
-j # Set stride of file accesses to (# * record size)
-J # milliseconds of compute cycle before each I/O operation
-k # Use POSIX async I/O (no bcopy) with # async operations
-K Create jitter in the access pattern for readers

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