
如何禁止RHEL AS4的图形启动

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-04
RHEL AS4 默认的运行级别是 5 ,如何在启动时不显示 RHGB ?
  /etc/rc.sysinit 会检查 /etc/sysconfig/init 中的 GRAPHICAL 的值,如果为 yes,则启动 Rhgb-client ,如果设置为 no 则不显示(也就是 rh9 那样的模式)
  [root@dhcp httpd]# cat /etc/sysconfig/init
  # color => new RH6.0 bootup
  # verbose => old-style bootup
  # anything else => new style bootup without ANSI colors or positioning
  # Turn on graphical boot
  # column to start "[ OK ]" label in
  # terminal sequence to move to that column. You could change this
  # to something like "tput hpa ${RES_COL}" if your terminal supports it
  MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \033[${RES_COL}G"
  # terminal sequence to set color to a ''success'' color (currently: green)
  SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \033[0;32m"
  # terminal sequence to set color to a ''failure'' color (currently: red)
  SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \033[0;31m"
  # terminal sequence to set color to a ''warning'' color (currently: yellow)
  SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \033[0;33m"
  # terminal sequence to reset to the default color.
  SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \033[0;39m"
  # default kernel loglevel on boot (syslog will reset this)
  # Set to anything other than ''no'' to allow hotkey interactive startup……
  [root@dhcp httpd]

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