

作者 佚名技术 来源 平面设计 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-01


In my opinion, Smart Object is one of the most useful feature in Photoshop. It allow us to save a lot of time in designing website and graphic user interfaces, where there are plenty of repetitive elements. If you have a good understanding on how a Smart Object behaves, it can also serve as a template for Photoshop effects.


What is a Smart Object?
Smart Objects are layers that contain image data from raster or vector images, such as Photoshop or Illustrator files. Smart Objects preserve an image’s source content with all its original characteristics, enabling you to perform nondestructive editing to the layer (quoted from Adobe ).

什么是智能对象?智能对象是包含栅格或矢量图像(如 Photoshop 或 Illustrator 文件)中的图像数据的图层。智能对象将保留图像的源内容及其所有原始特性,从而让您能够对图层执行非破坏性编辑。(摘自adobe的自述文档)

The image below demonstrates a nondestructive transformation done to a raster graphic. In normal conditions, a raster or bitmap image will turn blur after resizing for few times with the transformation tool (seen on left). By converting the raster image to a Smart Object, any transformations that come after will remain sharp like the original. All the pixels information are preserved upon the conversion (seen on right).




By preserving the original pixels, any scale smaller than the original size will remain great but it will still be blur when made bigger due to the lack of fill information. So it is better to convert a high resolution raster image right from the start.


How to Create a Smart Object?

There are several methods to create a Smart Object: by using the File > Open As Smart Object command; copying and pasting data from Illustrator; or converting one or more Photoshop layers to Smart Objects (shown below).



1:文件-打开为智能对象(通过这种方法使得文件在进入 Photoshop的时候就是一个智能图层);



Ways to Use a Smart Object

Of course there are many creative ways to u

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