
Classworking工具箱: 分析泛型数据结构 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-14
nericTemplate 窃?

賠汽 4. 窃侏紋算旗鷹

public class TypeDirectory {    ...    /** Map from generic classes descriptor to generic class information.  */    private HashMap<String,GenericTemplate> m_templateMap =      new HashMap<String,GenericTemplate>();    ...    /**     * Get description for generic class with specific type substitutions.     *     * @param sig field signature with type substitutions     * @param types actual types used for instance (values may be     * <code>null</code> if no substitution defined)     * @return type description     */    public TypeDescription getSignatureInstance(String sig,      TypeDescription[] types) {      // first check for direct match on substituted signature      TypeDescription desc = (TypeDescription)m_typeMap.get(sig);      if (desc == null) {        // no direct match, first handle array        if (sig.charAt(0) == ''['') {          desc = new ArrayClassDescriptor(sig,            getSignatureInstance(sig.substring(1), types));        } else {          // not an array, get the generic class descriptor          String dtor = sig;          int split = dtor.indexOf(''<'');          if (split >= 0) {            dtor = dtor.substring(0, split) + '';'';          }          GenericTemplate gdesc = m_templateMap.get(dtor);          if (gdesc == null) {            byte[] byts = m_loader.getBytes(dtor);            gdesc = new GenericTemplate(dtor, byts, this);          }          // handle type substitution to generic version of class          desc = gdesc.getParameterized(sig, types);        }      }      return desc;    }    /**     * Get description for signature with type mapping.     *     * @param sig field signature for type variables     * @param tmap type mapping for variables     * @return type description     */    public TypeDescription getMappedSignatureInstance(String sig,      HashMap<String,TypeDescription> tmap) {      SignatureDecompositionVisitor vtor =        new SignatureDecompositionVisitor(tmap);      new SignatureReader(sig).acceptType(vtor);      return vtor.getDescription();    }    /**     * Visitor for processing a signature with type substitutions. This  uses     * itself recursively to process nested signatures, substituting actual     * types for any type variable references found.     */    public class SignatureDecompositionVisitor extends EmptySignatureVisitor    {      private final HashMap<String,TypeDescription> m_parameterMap;      private in

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