
Hibernate中outerjoin、fetch join的使用 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-18

Hibernate中outerjoin、fetch join的使用




true: 表示使用外连接抓取关联的内容,这里的意思是当使用load(OrderLineItem.class,"id")时,Hibernate只生成一条SQL语句将OrderLineItem与他的父亲Order全部初始化。

select * from OrderLineItem o left joinOrderpon o.OrderId=p.OrderId where o.OrderLineItem_Id=?


select * from OrderLineItem owhere o.OrderLineItem_Id=?

select * from Order p where p.OrderId=?


注意:如果使用HQL查询OrderLineItem,如 from OrderLineItem o where o.id=''id'',总是不使用外部抓取,及outer-join失效。




4、In HQL, the "fetch join" clause can be used for per-query specific outer join fetching. One important thing many people miss there, is that HQL queries will ignore the outer-join attribute you specified in your mapping. This makes it possible to configure the default loading behaviour of session.load() and session.get() and of objects loaded by navigating relationship. So if you specify

and then do

MyObject obj = session.createQuery("from MyObject").uniqueResult();


you will still have an additional query and no outer-join. So you must explicily request the outer-join fetching:

MyObject obj = session.createQuery(

"from MyObject mo left join fetch mo.mySet").uniqueResult();


Another important thing to know is that you can only fetch one collection reference in a query. That means you can just use one fetch join. You can however fetch "one" references in addition, as this sample from the Hibernate Docs demonstrates:

from eg.Cat as cat

inner join fetch cat.mate

left join fetch cat.kittens

We have once considered lifting this limitation, but then decided against it, because using more than one fetch-join would be a bad idea generally: The generated ResultSet becomes huge and is a major performance loss.

So alltogether the "fetch join" clause is an important instrument Hibernate users should learn how to leverage, as it allows tuning the fetch behaviour of a certain use case.

5、join fetch 与 join 的区别

如果HQL使用了连接,但是没有使用fetch关键字,则生成的SQL语句虽然有连接,但是并没有取连接表的数据,还是需要单独的sql取数据,也就是 select a,b,d...中没有连接表的字段

6、如果集合被声明为lazy=true,在HQL中如果显式的使用 join fetch 则延迟加载失效。


8、many-to-one的延迟加载是在配置文件的class标签设置lazy="true",one-to-many和many-to- many的延迟加载是在set标签中设置lazy="true"。而one-to-one不只要在calss标签设置lazy="true",而且要在 one-to-one标签中设置constrained="true".

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