
副本构建器 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-26


时间:2007-05-29 yycnet.yeah.net yyc译 克隆看起来要求进行非常复杂的设置,似乎还该有另一种替代方案。一个办法是制作特殊的构建器,令其负责复制一个对象。在C++中,这叫作“副本构建器”。刚开始的时候,这好象是一种非常显然的解决方案(如果你是C++程序员,这个方法就更显亲切)。下面是一个实际的例子:
//: CopyConstructor.java
// A constructor for copying an object
// of the same type, as an attempt to create
// a local copy.

class FruitQualities {
  private int weight;
  private int color;
  private int firmness;
  private int ripeness;
  private int smell;
  // etc.
  FruitQualities() { // Default constructor
    // do something meaningful...
  // Other constructors:
  // ...
  // Copy constructor:
  FruitQualities(FruitQualities f) {
    weight = f.weight;
    color = f.color;
    firmness = f.firmness;
    ripeness = f.ripeness;
    smell = f.smell;
    // etc.

class Seed {
  // Members...
  Seed() { /* Default constructor */ }
  Seed(Seed s) { /* Copy constructor */ }

class Fruit {
  private FruitQualities fq;
  private int seeds;
  private Seed[] s;
  Fruit(FruitQualities q, int seedCount) { 
    fq = q;
    seeds = seedCount;
    s = new Seed[seeds];
    for(int i = 0; i < seeds; i++)
      s[i] = new Seed();
  // Other constructors:
  // ...
  // Copy constructor:
  Fruit(Fruit f) {
    fq = new FruitQualities(f.fq);
    seeds = f.seeds;
    // Call all Seed copy-constructors:
    for(int i = 0; i < seeds; i++)
      s[i] = new Seed(f.s[i]);
    // Other copy-construction activities...
  // To allow derived constructors (or other 
  // methods) to put in different qualities:
  protected void addQualities(FruitQualities q) {
    fq = q;
  protected FruitQualities getQualities() {
    return fq;

class Tomato extends Fruit {
  Tomato() {
    super(new FruitQualities(), 100);
  Tomato(Tomato t) { // Copy-constructor
    super(t); // Upcast for base copy-constructor
    // Other copy-construction activities...

class ZebraQualities extends FruitQualities {
  private int stripedness;
  ZebraQualities() { // Default constructor
    // do something meaningful...
  ZebraQualities(ZebraQualities z) {
    stripedness = z.stripedness;

class GreenZebra extends Tomato {
  GreenZebra() {
    addQualities(new ZebraQualities());
  GreenZebra(GreenZebra g) {
    super(g); // Calls Tomato(Tomato)
    // Restore the right qualities:
    addQualities(new ZebraQualities());
  void evaluate() {
    ZebraQualities zq = 
    // Do something with the qualities
    // ...

public class CopyConstructor {
  public static void ripen(Tomato t) {
    // Use the "copy constructor":
    t = new Tomato(t); 
    System.out.println("In ripen, t is a " +
  public static void slice(Fruit f) {
    f = new Fruit(f); // Hmmm... will this work?
    System.out.println("In slice, 

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