
Flash CS4教程:AS3制作非常漂亮的曲线

作者 凌众技术 来源 网页制作 浏览 发布时间 2012-03-09
obj:MovieClip):void { with(obj.graphics) { beginFill(0x0000ff,0); drawRect(0,0,20,20); endFill(); } sunTF.text = "Sun" sunTF.textColor = 0x666666; sunTF.mouseEnabled = false; sunTF.selectable = false; this.addChild(obj); obj.buttonMode = true; obj.addChild(sunTF); obj.x = 170; obj.y = 380; } private function makeSun(e:MouseEvent):void { sp.filters = [bf,growFilter_4,growFilter_b_4,dropShadow_4]; } } }

This was the Line Effect tutorial. I hope it will be usefull for many of you. Now you can try to create your own line effects and drop a comment mentioning the url of your experiments. We are always looking for the results of our tutorials.


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