

作者 凌众技术 来源 网页制作 浏览 发布时间 2012-03-11
金钱和时间开支,其实 HTML网页就可以完成所有的功能。

Although few, there are some instances when Flash technology can actually be helpful:


a) When you need to show a presentation, for example a demo of your product.


b) To develop interactive games, like those found on sites for kids like Sesame Street, Nickelodeum, or Yahoo! Games.

开发互动游戏时,可以运用Flash,比如:Sesame Street、 Nickelodeum, 、Yahoo! Games等儿童游戏,都使用了Flash

c) When you want to dress up a minimalist site. In this case, a small Flash animation or banner embedded in an HTML document will not consume excessive bandwidth, will load fast, and will enhance the appearance of a bare-bones site.


Although Macromedia (the company that developed Flash) is actively working to improve Flash''s usability problems (they even formed a partnership with usability guru Jakob Nielsen in 2002), issues like slow downloads and search engine un-friendliness still remain a problem. Until these issues are addressed and solved, you will be better-off by only using Flash in those rare instances when it actually enhances the value of your content.

尽管,Macromedia(Flash开发公司)正在积极采取方法改善Flash的可用性问题(甚至在2002年组成以网站可用性研究专家Jakob Nielsen为首的工作组,专门研究这个问题),但是下载速度慢、搜索引擎对其不友好的问题,仍然没有解决。在这些问题解决以后,如果利用Flash可以增加网站价值(少数情况),那你可以运用。

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