
Linux Server Project

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-26
ow just using chmod works.
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/var# chmod a w logs
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/var# cd logs
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/var/logs# chmod a w *
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/var/logs# cd ../../sbin
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/sbin# ./squid -z
2003/12/01 14:53:54| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /usr/local/squid/var/cache: (13) Permission denied
Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE4): Terminated abnormally.
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/sbin# chmod a w ../var
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/sbin# ./squid -z
2003/12/01 15:02:54| Creating Swap Directories
root@FileServe:/usr/local/squid/sbin# ./squid -NCd1
It ran without error, so now it was time to point my browser at it. Port 3180 is the default and . . . dang, access denied. Oops, need to change the squid.conf file. You remembered to update the locate database, right? Just in case, it''s in the etc directory off the squid root. The offending line is quite a way down in the file. Basically I just needed to change the line http_access deny all to http_access allow all Which, I suppose, isn''t the safest setting in the world, but it''s good for testing. And test''s proved good. The browser now updated with only a tiny delay. Now to turn of caching, I don''t need it and it just wastes disk space. I''m using this as a domain filter, not a real proxy. To do this, back to the config file and add no_cache deny all Don''t forget to delete the files already cached. They add up fast. DansGuardian DansGuardian was easy to download and install. I did it before the above, so no script log of my efforts. Aside from the surprise of needing squid, it was completely uneventful. The details I followed are at he top of this. Since VectorLinux is slackware based I couldn''t install the binaries, but that didn''t hurt any. I pointed the browser at port 8080 and everything worked perfectly. I even tried visiting the playboy website and it was blocked. Of course, there was nothing preventing me from just pointing my browser right back at squid and bypassing DansGuardian that way. So I had to block all requests that didn''t come from DansGuardian which, fortunately, was easy. squid -N which halts the process. For inittab, this is correct since it ensures the process will keep rebooting whenever squid crashes. Easy to fix, if I could just get the computer to actually boot. Actually, I still don''t know how I did this, it just happened while I was searching the web for an answer. Maybe it timed out, or maybe one of the keypresses that seemed to have no effect actually just had a delayed one. Either way, a quick session with vi and everything worked.

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