

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-13
on exists and is a file,the source file is moved to that filename,overwriting the file
if the destination does not exist,the source file or directory is renamed with that name
14,Creating and Removing Files
rm -i interactive
rm -r recursive 目录
rm -f force
touch -create empty file or update file timestamps
15,Creating and Removing Directories
rmdir empty directory
rm -r 包含内容
16,Using Nautilus
gnome graphical filesystem browser
can run in spatial(每个目录都开一个窗口) or browser(资源管理器样式) mode
Empire CMS,phome.net

17,Moving and Copying in Nuatilus
Drag and Drop
Left-button : move on same filesystem, copy on different filesystem
Ctrl-Left-button : alwayls copy
Alt-Left-button : Ask whether to copy,move or create symbolic link
18,Determineing File Content
file [options] filename
19,Viewing an entire Text FIle
cat [options] filename
cat -A 可以看到换行符
cat -b 带行号
20,Viewing Text Page by Page
less filename
arrows / pgUp /pgDown
/text search for text
n -next match
v 进入编辑模式
Unit 4 - The bash SHell
1,bash introduction
2,bash heritage
3,Command Line Shortcuts: File Globbing
4,Command Line Shortcuts: The Tab Key
5,Command Line Shortcuts: history
6,Command Line Shortcuts: Tilde(~)
7,Command Line Shortcuts: Variable and Curly braces({})
8,Command Line Shortcuts: Command and Math
9,Command Line Shortcuts: Backslash()
10,Command Line Shortcuts: Quotes
11,History Tricks
12,Command Editing Tricks:Editing Modes
13,gonme - terminal 1,bash introduction
"Bourne Again Shell"
2,bash heritage
unix分为两派:Sys V (sh) BSD(csh->ksh->tchsh->zsh)
3,Command Line Shortcuts: File Globbing
* 0个或多个字符
? 1个字符
4,Command Line Shortcuts: The Tab Key
补齐未输入完全的指令 tou->touch
pw tab一次不会补齐,再tab一次,显示所有以tab开头的指令
5,Command Line Shortcuts: history
^2^1 把上个指令中的2改成1 用在ping中比较合适
6,Command Line Shortcuts: Tilde(~)
7,Command Line Shortcuts: Variable and Curly braces({})
Empire CMS,phome.net

echo $HOME
touch {a,b} ->a,b
touch a{a,b} ->aa,ab
touch {a,b}.{1,2} -> a.1,a,2,b.1,b.2
8,Command Line Shortcuts: Command and Math
`` 反引号取指令结果
echo "Hostname: `hostname`" 或者
echo "Hostname:$(hostname)"
$[] 数学运算
echo $[$a $c]建立加空格
9,Command Line Shortcuts: Backslash()
echo Your cost is $5.00
10,Command Line Shortcuts: Quotes
Single quotes('')
Double quotes(") except:$ ` !
echo ** 00000 **
11,History Tricks
up and down arrow
CTRL R search for a history command
recall last argument from previous command
ESC放开加. /ALT不放加.
ping适用 先ping后telnet
12,Command Editing Tricks:Editing Modes
By default,bash uses emacs-style
set -o vi 变成vi模式 set o vi 变回来
set -o 可见模式
13,gonme - terminal
Ctrl Shift t open a new tab
Ctrl-pgUP/pgDn Next/Prev tab
Alt -号码 change to N号

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