

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-20
75                 //  Defind.
76                 var clientWidth =  document.documentElement.clientWidth;
77                 var  clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
78                  // Get the objs.
79                 var objContainer =  document.getElementById(MemberParameters.ContainerDivId);
80                  var objShieldBg = document.getElementById(MemberParameters.ShieldBGId);
81                  if (objContainer == null || objShieldBg == null)
82                      return false;
83                  // Bg width and height.
84                 var bgWidth =  Math.max(Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.body.scrollWidth),  clientWidth);
85                 var bgHeight = Math.max (document.body.scrollHeight, clientHeight);
86                 //  Container width and height.
87                 var containerWidth =  (clientWidth - objContainer.clientWidth) / 2;
88                  var containerHeight = (clientHeight - objContainer.clientHeight) / 2;
89                  // Adjust the values.
90                 if  (containerWidth < 0)
91                     containerWidth =  MemberParameters.DefaultSpace;
92                 if (containerHeight  < 0)
93                     containerHeight =  MemberParameters.DefaultSpace;
94                 // Check the  container''s width and height.
95                 if  (objContainer.clientHeight > bgHeight)
96                      bgHeight = containerHeight + objContainer.clientHeight +  MemberParameters.DefaultSpace;
97                 if  (objContainer.clientWidth > bgWidth)
98                      bgWidth = containerWidth + objContainer.clientWidth +  MemberParameters.DefaultSpace;
99                 // Update the  IsScroll status.
100                 if (bgHeight > clientHeight  || bgWidth > clientWidth) {
101                      MemberParameters.IsScroll = true;
102                     bgHeight  += MemberParameters.DefaultSpace;
103                 }
104                  // Set values.
105                  objContainer.style.left = containerWidth + "px";
106                  objContainer.style.top = containerHeight + "px";
107                  objShieldBg.style.width = bgWidth + "px";

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