

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-22

·ScriptManager控件:提供了在一个Web页面上的所有的Atlas特征,例如部分页面更新,定制和库客户端脚本参考和生成,针对客户端异步存取的Web服务引用,而异常处理是由该控件管理的。每一个需要实现Atlas功能的asp.net Web页面或用户控件都需要声明这个控件的单个实例。为了在一个页面上使用ScriptManager控件,你可以使用下列声明性语法:

ID="ScriptManager instance identifier"
<!--enables or disables partial page rendering using UpdatePanel controls-->
EnablePartialRendering="boolean true or false"

<!--If set to false the AtlasRuntime.js file, which provides basic ''Atlas functionality is referenced by default.
If set to true the Atlas.js file, which provides the entire Atlas feature set is referenced by default.
The default value is true-->
EnableScriptComponents="boolean true or false"

OnPageError="invoked event handler on PageError "
runat="server" >

<!--to reference custom script files-->
Path="path to .js file"
<!--to reference client library files that are not included automatically-->
ScriptName="name of script file e.g. AtlasUIGlitz"/>
<!--If set to true the control generates a JavaScript proxy object for asynchronous access for the referenced Web Service.
If set to false it doesn''t.-->
GenerateProxy="boolean true or false"

Path="path to a Web service (e.g. asmx) file"
Type="Web service class name"
<!--Markup for rendering unhandled exception messages for asynchronous postback.
Partial rendering should be enabled. The template has to define an input button with an attributes ID of value "okButton" and runat of value "server" to close the message. -->



ID="UpdatePanel instance identifier"
<!-- If Mode attribute is set to Always asynchronous postbacks triggered within the region update its contents automatically;
If it is set to Conditional the region is updated in response to a registered trigger -->
<!-- If RenderMode attribute is set to Block the content within the UpdatePanel is rendered using a <DIV> element;
If it is set to Inline a <SPAN> element is used as a container for the content within the UpadatePanel -->
<!-- Content to be

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