

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-24
A) |
| % make certificate TYPE=existing (existing cert) |
| CRT=/path/to/your.crt [KEY=/path/to/your.key] |
| |
| Use TYPE=dummy when you''re a vendor package maintainer, |
| the TYPE=test when you''re an admin but want to do tests only, |
| the TYPE=custom when you''re an admin willing to run a real server |
| and TYPE=existing when you''re an admin who upgrades a server. |
| (The default is TYPE=test) |
| |
| Additionally add ALGO=RSA (default) or ALGO=DSA to select |
| the signature algorithm used for the generated certificate. |
| |
| Use "make certificate VIEW=1" to display the generated data. |
| |www.knowsky.com
| Thanks for using Apache & mod_ssl. Ralf S. Engelschall |
| |
| |


# make certificate TYPE=custom


# make install


| You now have successfully built and installed the |
| Apache 1.3 HTTP server. To verify that Apache actually |
| works correctly you now should first check the |
| (initially created or preserved) configuration files |
| |
| /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf |
| and then you should be able to immediately fire up |
| Apache the first time by running: |
| |
| /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start |
| Or when you want to run it with SSL enabled use: |
| |www.knowsky.com
| /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl |
| Thanks for using Apache. The Apache Group |
| / |

现在验证Apache和PHP是否正在工作。然而,我们需要编辑srm.conf和httpd.conf保证我们把PHP类型加到了配置中。查看httpd.conf并去掉下列行的注释。如果你精确地遵循了本文的指令,你的httpd.conf文件将位于/usr/local/apache/conf目录。文件有一行针对php4的addtype加了注释,现在就去掉注释。httpd.conf 文件--片断

> # And for PHP 4.x, use:
> #
---> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
---> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

现在我们准备启动Apache服务器看它是否在工作。首先我们将启动不支持SSL的服务器看它是否启动了。我们将检查对PHP的支持,然后我们将停止服务器并且启动启用了SSL支持的服务器并检查我们是否一切正常。configtest 将检查所有配置是否正确设置。

# cd /usr/local/apache/bin
# ./apachectl configtest
Syntax OK
# ./apachectl start
./apachectl start: httpd started


Apache 正在工作吗?

如果它工作正常,当你用Netscape连接服务器时,你将看见一幅类似于这幅屏幕捕获的屏幕。这是基本上 是Apache缺省安装的页面。



现在将测试PHP支持……创建一个文件(名为:test.php ),它有下列信息。文件需要位于文档根路径下,它应该缺省设置为/usr/local/apache/htdocs。注意这依赖于我们以前选择的前缀,然而,这可在 httpd.conf中改变。设置多个虚拟主机将在另一篇文章加少,请留意,因为它将涉及安装Apache和它的指

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