

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-25





  Green for Mars!

  John R. Doe

  The idea of little green men from Mars, long a staple of science fiction, may soon turn out to be less fantasy and more fact.

  Recent samples sent by the latest Mars exploration team indicate a high presence of chlorophyll in the atmosphere. Chlorophyll, you will recall, is what makes plants green. It''s quite likely, therefore, that organisms on Mars will have, through continued exposure to the green stuff, developed a greenish tinge on their outer exoskeleton.

  An interview with Dr. Rushel Bunter, the head of ASDA''s Mars Colonization Project blah blah...

  What does this mean for you? Well, it means blah blahblah...

  Track follow-ups to this story online at http://www.mars-connect.dom/. To see pictures of the latest samples, log on to http://www.asdamcp.dom/galleries/220/





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$html = preg_replace(''/s(w+://)(S+)/'', '' <a href="" target="_blank"></a>'', $html);

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// add page header
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// add page content
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// add page f

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