
多线程、多平台环境中的跟踪-使用log4j和UNIX命令来挖掘跟踪数据 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-15
st method in log1Bean");         Random rand = new Random ();     int choice = rand.nextInt(10);     logger.debug ("[" +id +"]"+ " Random choice is " + choice);     if (choice <=5) {      //      //link to ejb2      //      try{           InitialContext ic = new InitialContext ();      Object or = ic.lookup(ejbHomeLocation);      if (or != null) {      // Narrow the return object to the Home class type      log2Home home =        (log2Home) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(or,          log2Home.class);      // Create an EJB object instance using the home interface.      try{       log2 lb2 = home.create ();       // Invoke the method                    if (lb2.doTest(id) == true){         logger.info("[" + id +"]"+ " Execution ran successfully");     }      }catch (RemoteException re){       logger.fatal("[" +id + "]" + " Failure to create remote EJB " + re);            }        }    }catch(Exception e){      logger.fatal("[" +id +"]"+ " Failure when looking up log2Bean " + e);      e.printStackTrace();          }     }else{       //      //state that you''ve gone nowhere and return       //      logger.info("[" +id +"]"+ " Path ends at Log1Bean");     }            return result;   } }


时间:2011-09-07 ibm

清单 6 包含了第二个 bean。它与第一个非常类似;它只是返回已经到达某 次 给定的执行过程的结尾这个事实。

清单 6. log2Bean

package demo.logger.sample; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; /** * Bean implementation class for Enterprise Bean: log2 */ public class log2Bean implements javax.ejb.SessionBean {   private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(log1Bean.class);   private javax.ejb.SessionContext mySessionCtx;   /**   * ejbCreate   */   public void ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateException {    //    //pickup the location of the property file as a system property    //    Properties sp = System.getProperties();    String propFile = sp.getProperty ("log4jejb2.props");    PropertyConfigurator.configure (propFile);    logger.info("Logger started for log2Bean, bean created");       }       public boolean doTest(int id)   {   //this method takes the id of the thread that called it to continue use in its own logging   //it will roll a random number, and choose to lookup another EJB or not    boolean result = true;    logger.info("[" +id +"]"+ " Started doTest method in log2Bean");     logger.info("[" +id +"]"+ " Path ends in Log2Bean

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