
一个JDBC表控件模型 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-16


    import javax.swing.*;      import javax.swing.table.*;      import java.sql.*;      import java.util.*;      import java.io.*;      public class TestJDBCTable {          public static void main (String[] args) {              try {          /*          driver, url, user, and pass can be passed in as          system properties "jdbctable.driver",          "jdbctable.url", "jdbctable.user", and          "jdbctable.pass", or specified in a file          called "jdbctable.properties" in current          directory          */          Properties testProps = new Properties();          String ddriver = System.getProperty ("jdbctable.driver");          String durl = System.getProperty ("jdbctable.url");          String duser = System.getProperty ("jdbctable.user");          String dpass = System.getProperty ("jdbctable.pass");          if (ddriver != null)              testProps.setProperty ("jdbctable.driver", ddriver);          if (durl != null)              testProps.setProperty ("jdbctable.url", durl);          if (duser != null)              testProps.setProperty ("jdbctable.user", duser);          if (dpass != null)              testProps.setProperty ("jdbctable.pass", dpass);          try {              testProps.load (new FileInputStream (                      new File ("jdbctable.properties")));          } catch (Exception e) {} // ignore FNF, etc.          System.out.println ("Test Properties:");          testProps.list (System.out);          // now get a connection          // note care to replace nulls with empty strings          Class.forName(testProps.getProperty                  ("jdbctable.driver")).newInstance();          String url = testProps.getProperty ("jdbctable.url");          url = ((url == null) ? "" : url);          String user = testProps.getProperty ("jdbctable.user");          user = ((user == null) ? "" : user);          String pass = testProps.getProperty ("jdbctable.pass");          pass = ((pass == null) ? "" : pass);          Connection conn =              DriverManager.getConnection (url, user, pass);          // create db table to use          String tableName = createSampleTable(conn);          // get a model for this db table and add to a JTable          TableModel mod =              new JDBC

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