
使用jBpm支持高级用户交互模式 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-16
 = new StringBuffer();   boolean first = true;   for(Assignee a : assignees){    if(!first)    sb.append(" ");    else    first = false;    sb.append(a.getUserID());   }   return sb.toString();   }   public List<Assignee> getAssignees() {   return assignees;   }   public void reserve(String userID) throws JbpmException {   if(task == null)     throw new JbpmException("can''t reserve instance with  no task");   // Duplicate assignment is ok    for(Assignee a : assignees){    if(userID.equals(a.getUserID()))    return;   }   // Can we add one more guy?    if(task.getNumSignatures() > assignees.size()){    assignees.add(new Assignee(userID));    return;   }     throw new JbpmException("task is already reserved by  " + getAssigneeIDs());   }   public void unreserve(String userID){   for(Assignee a : assignees){    if(userID.equals(a.getUserID())){    assignees.remove(a);    return;    }   }   }   private void completeTask(Assignee assignee, String  transition){   assignee.setEndDate(new Date());   // Calculate completed assignments   int completed = 0;   for(Assignee a : assignees){    if(a.getEndDate() != null)    completed ++;   }   if(completed < task.getNumSignatures())    return;   if(transition == null)    end();   else    end(transition);   }   public void complete(String userID, String transition)  throws JbpmException{   if(task == null)     throw new JbpmException("can''t complete instance with  no task");   // make sure it was reserved    for(Assignee a : assignees){    if(userID.equals(a.getUserID())){    completeTask(a, transition);    return;    }   }     throw new JbpmException("task was not reserved by "  + userID);   }   public boolean isCompleted(){   return (end != null);   } }


时间:2011-07-08 infoq 译:胡键

清单6 扩展TaskInstance类

这个实现扩展了jBPM提供的TaskInstance类,并跟踪完成该实例所需的参与者 个数。它引入了几个新方法,允许参与者预留(reserve)/退还(unreserve)任 务实例,以及让指定参与者完成任务执行。


package com.navteq.jbpm.extensions; import java.io.Serializable; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class Assignee implements Serializable{   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;   private static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");   long id = 0;   protected String startDate = null;   protected String userID = null;   protected String endDate = null;   public Assignee(){}   public Assignee(String uID){   userID = uID;      startDate = dateFormat.format(new Date()

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