
走上开放之路: ASP开发人员的J2EE基础(下) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-17
r to include another resource public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)   throws ServletException, IOException {   ...   // Get a RequestDispatcher instance   RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher ("anotherResource.jsp");   // Forward the request   rd.include(request, response);   // Continue processing the request   ... }

走上开放之路: ASP开发人员的J2EE基础(下)(11)

时间:2011-04-09 IBM Jeff Wilson


在 ASP 中,cookie 的处理使用了 REQUEST 和 RESPONSE 对象的 Cookies 属性。 RESPONSE 对象用于创建 cookie,而 REQUEST 对象用于检索 cookie 值。为方面起见,在代 码中使用了多值 cookie,尽管多值 cookie 被编码到 HTTP 响应表头时,但是可以转换为单 值 cookie。

在 J2EE 中,cookie 由 Cookie 类表示,并通过 HttpServletRequest 和 HttpServletResponse 接口来访问。您可以使用 HttpServletRequest 接口访问现有的 cookie,使用 HttpServletResponse 接口来创建 cookie。

清单 35 演示了如何在 J2EE 应用程序中使用 cookie。您可以在 Java Servlet 或 JSP 页面的 scriptlet 中使用这些代码片断。

清单 35. 在 J2EE Web 应用程序使用 cookie

// Create a cookie using the HttpServletResponse interface // The first parameter of the constructor is the name of the cookie // and the second parameter is the cookie''s value Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("myCookie", "someValue"); // Set the age of the cookie - by default cookies will be stored in memory // by the browser and will be destroyed when the user closes the browser // The setMaxAge() methods takes an integer as its parameter which represents // the age in seconds. In this example we''re specifying an age of 24 hours for // the cookie myCookie.setMaxAge(86400); // Add cookie to the response response.addCookie(myCookie); // Here''s an example of retrieving cookies from the HttpServletRequest interface // Note that the cookies are returned as an array of Cookie objects Cookies[] myCookies = request.getCookies(); // The getCookies method will return null if there are no cookies if (myCookies != null) {   for (int i = 0; i < myCookies.length; i++) {     Cookie eachCookie = myCookies[i];     // Do something w/each cookie     ....   } }


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