
Java技术,IBM风格: 监视和判断问题 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-20

宸乂並周云附葎峺協採扮伏撹耽嶽廬刈戻工阻載寄議痩試來?徽頁泌惚潤栽聞喘廬刈狛陀匂 議三?痩試來珊氏寄寄戻互。辛參壓耽嶽並周貧耶紗匯倖狛陀匂?貫遇參厚聾議腺業陣崙採扮幹秀廬刈。箭泌?辛參壓 throw、catch 才 uncaught 並周貧耶紗呟械兆賜危列兆。


聞喘 -Xdump 凋綜佩僉?才匯狼双炎崗栖譜崔光嶽廬刈僉?。辛參聞喘 -Xdump:what 臥心潮範議廬刈僉??需賠汽 1?

賠汽 1. -Xdump:what 補竃

C:\home> java -Xdump:what Registered dump agents ---------------------- dumpFn=doSystemDump               // Generate a system dump  events=gpf+abort                // on SIGSEGV and SIGABRT events filter= label=C:\home\core.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.dmp    // location and name of file range=1..0                   // write on every event occurrence priority=999                  // write this dump first request=serial                 // write in serial opts= ---------------------- dumpFn=doSnapDump                // Generate trace snap file events=gpf+abort                // on SIGSEGV and SIGABRT events filter= label=C:\home\Snap%seq.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.trc  // location and name of file range=1..0                   // write on every event occurrence priority=500                  // write after higher priority dumps request=serial                 // write in serial opts= ---------------------- dumpFn=doSnapDump                // Generate trace snap file events=uncaught                 // on uncaught exceptions filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError        // that match OutOfMemoryError label=C:\home\Snap%seq.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.trc  // location and name of file range=1..4                   // write only on the first four events priority=500                  // write after higher priority dumps request=serial                 // write in serial opts= ---------------------- dumpFn=doHeapDump                // Generate heap dump file events=uncaught                 // on uncaught exceptions filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError        // that match OutOfMemoryError label=C:\home\heapdump.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.phd  // location and name of file range=1..4                   // write only on the first four events priority=40                   // write after higher priority dumps request=exclusive+prepwalk           // make sure the heap is walkable opts=PHD                    // write in "PHD" format ---------------------- dumpFn=doJavaDump                // Generate java dump file events=gpf+user+abort              // on SIGSEGV, SIGABRT and 

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