
JAX-WS Web服务客户机入门 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-20
ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {    response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();    try { // Call Web Service Operation      String TextArea1 = request.getParameter("TextArea1");      org.netbeans.end2end.check.client.CheckSoap port = service.getCheckSoap(); // TODO initialize WS operation arguments here      java.lang.String bodyText = TextArea1;      java.lang.String licenseKey = "0"; // TODO process result here      org.netbeans.end2end.check.client.DocumentSummary doc = port.checkTextBody(bodyText,licenseKey);      String allcontent = doc.getBody(); //From the retrieved document summary,      //identify the number of wrongly spelled words:      int no_of_mistakes = doc.getMisspelledWordCount(); //From the retrieved document summary,      //identify the array of wrongly spelled words:      List allwrongwords = doc.getMisspelledWord();      out.println("<html>");      out.println("<head>"); //Display the report''s name as a title in the browser''s titlebar:      out.println("<title>Spell Checker Report</title>");      out.println("</head>");      out.println("<body>"); //Display the report''s name as a header within the body of the report:      out.println("<h2><font color=''red''>Spell Checker Report</font></h2>"); //Display all the content (correct as well as incorrectly spelled) between quotation marks:      out.println("<hr><b>Your text:</b> "" + allcontent + """ + "<p>"); //For every array of wrong words (one array per wrong word),      //identify the wrong word, the number of suggestions, and      //the array of suggestions. Then display the wrong word and the number of suggestions and      //then, for the array of suggestions belonging to the current wrong word, display each      //suggestion:      for (int i = 0; i < allwrongwords.size(); i++) {        String onewrongword = ((Words) allwrongwords.get(i)).getWord();        int onewordsuggestioncount = ((Words) allwrongwords.get(i)).getSuggestionCount();        List allsuggestions = ((Words) allwrongwords.get(i)).getSuggestions();        out.println("<hr><p><b>Wrong word:</b><font color=''red''> " + onewrongword + "</font>");        out.println("<p><b>" + onewordsuggestioncount + "suggestions:</b><br>");        for (int k = 0; k < allsuggestions.size(); k++) {          String onesuggestion = (String) allsuggestions.get(k);          out.println(onesuggestion);        }      } //Display a line after each array of wrong words:      out.prin

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