
Enterprise JavaBeans入门 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-20



现在不考虑EJB的类别,以上三种类型组成了EJB对象:本地接口、远程接口和bean的实现。客户程序使用Java命名和目录接口JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface)定位bean的本地接口(JNDI)。本地接口随后返回远程接口的实例,同时暴露必要的bean实现方法。客户程序再调用适当的这些方法。程序清单A所示的代码说明了以上过程。

Listing A

First comes the EJB client class—in this case, a very simple stand-alone user interface: import javax.ejb.*; import javax.naming.*; import java.util.*; import org.shifter.ejb.*; public class VerySimpleClient { public static void main( String[] args ) { try { Context ctx = getInitialContex(); VerySimpleHome home = ( VerySimpleHome )ctx.lookup( "simpleton" ); VerySimple ejb = home.create(); ejb.setName( "Fredrick" ); System.out.println( "My name is " + ejb.getName() ); ejb.remove(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException { // Retrieve the Context via JNDI lookup } } Now, we define the Home and Remote interfaces. The client interacts directly with these classes: package org.shifter.ejb; // The home interface import javax.ejb.*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public interface VerySimpleHome extends EJBHome { public VerySimple create() throws CreateException, RemoteException; } package org.shifter.ejb; // The remote interface import javax.ejb.*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public interface VerySimple extends EJBObject { public String getName() throws RemoteException; public void setName( String n ) throws RemoteException; } Finally, we have the implementation of the EJB, where all functionality occurs: package org.shifter.ejb; import javax.ejb.*; public class testertwoEJB implements javax // Called by the create() method of the home interface. public void ejbCreate() { } // Called by the remove() method of the home interface. public void ejbRemove() { } // Called when the EJB container makes this bean active. public void ejbActivate() { // Resource allocation might go here. } // Called when the EJB container makes this bean inactive. public void ejbPassivate() { // Resource clean up might go here. } // Set the runtime context public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; } // ***** // The following methods are the only ones visible // to EJB clients through this bean’s remote interface. // ***** public String getName() { return name; } public void setName( String n ){ name = ( n != null ) ? n : "Igor"; } }

Enterprise JavaBeans入门(3)



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