
在Spring基础上实现自己的异常处理框架 - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-21
w HashMap<Class<?>, ExceptionDefinition>(); 25  } 26 27  public boolean containsException(Class<?> expClazz) { 28    return (exceptionMap.containsKey(expClazz)); 29  } 30   31  public void addExceptionHander(Class<?> expClazz, Class<? extends ExceptionHandler> handlerClazz) { 32    try { 33      ExceptionDefinition definition = getRealExceptionDefinition(expClazz); 34      if (null == definition) { 35        throw new IllegalArgumentException(expClazz.getName() + "not in the context, please configure or add it to the context first!!"); 36      } 37      ExceptionHandler handler = handlers.get(handlerClazz.getName()); 38      if (null == handler) { 39        handler = handlerClazz.newInstance(); 40        handlers.put(handlerClazz.getName(), handler); 41      } 42       43      definition.getHandlerNames().add(handlerClazz.getName()); 44    } catch (Exception ex) { 45      throw new ConfigException("Add exception handler to context failure!", ex); 46    } 47  } 48   49  public void addExceptionHandler(Class<?> expClazz, String errorCode, Class<? extends ExceptionHandler> handlerClazz) { 50    Assert.hasLength(errorCode, expClazz + " errorCode must not be null or empty string!"); 51    ExceptionDefinition definition = getRealExceptionDefinition(expClazz); 52    if(null == definition) { 53      definition = new ExceptionDefinition(errorCode); 54      exceptionMap.put(expClazz, definition); 55    } 56    addExceptionHander(expClazz, handlerClazz); 57  } 58   59   60   61  public void addExceptionHandlers(Class<?> expClazz, Class<? extends ExceptionHandler> handlerClazzes) { 62    for(Class<? extends ExceptionHandler> handlerClazz : handlerClazzes) { 63      addExceptionHander(expClazz, handlerClazz); 64    } 65  } 66 67  public void removeExceptionHandler(Class<?> expClazz, Class<? extends ExceptionHandler> handlerClazz) { 68    Assert.isTrue(containsException(expClazz)); 69    String handlerName = handlerClazz.getName(); 70    getExceptionDefinition(expClazz).getHandlerNames().remove(handlerName); 71    Collection<ExceptionDefinition> definitons = exceptionMap.values(); 72    boolean isClearHandler = true; 73    for (ExceptionDefinition expDefinition : definitons) { 74      if (expDefinition.getHandlerNames().contains(handlerName)) { 75        isClearHandler = false; 76        break; 77      } 78    } 79 80    if (isClearHandler) { 81      handlers.remove(handlers.get(handlerName)); 82    } 83  } 84 85  public void setExceptionDefinition(Class<?> expClazz, ExceptionDefinition definition) { 86    exceptionMap.put(expClazz, definition); 87  } 88 89  public ExceptionDefinition getExceptionDefi

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