
嶄忽滴煽麻隈java糞? - 園殻秘壇利

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-22
incipleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);        return 0;     }     public static int sectionalTerm(int y, int m) {        if (y<1901 || y>2100) return 0;        int index = 0;        int ry = y-baseYear+1;        while (ry>=sectionalTermYear[m-1][index]) index++;        int term = sectionalTermMap[m-1][4*index+ry%4];        if ((ry == 121)&&(m == 4)) term = 5;        if ((ry == 132)&&(m == 4)) term = 5;        if ((ry == 194)&&(m == 6)) term = 6;        return term;     }     public static int principleTerm(int y, int m) {        if (y<1901 || y>2100) return 0;        int index = 0;        int ry = y-baseYear+1;        while (ry>=principleTermYear[m-1][index]) index++;        int term = principleTermMap[m-1][4*index+ry%4];        if ((ry == 171)&&(m == 3)) term = 21;        if ((ry == 181)&&(m == 5)) term = 21;        return term;     }     public String toString() {        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();        buf.append("Gregorian Year: "+gregorianYear+""n");        buf.append("Gregorian Month: "+gregorianMonth+""n");        buf.append("Gregorian Date: "+gregorianDate+""n");        buf.append("Is Leap Year: "+isGregorianLeap+""n");        buf.append("Day of Year: "+dayOfYear+""n");        buf.append("Day of Week: "+dayOfWeek+""n");        buf.append("Chinese Year: "+chineseYear+""n");        buf.append("Heavenly Stem: "+((chineseYear-1)%10)+""n");        buf.append("Earthly Branch: "+((chineseYear-1)%12)+""n");        buf.append("Chinese Month: "+chineseMonth+""n");        buf.append("Chinese Date: "+chineseDate+""n");        buf.append("Sectional Term: "+sectionalTerm+""n");        buf.append("Principle Term: "+principleTerm+""n");        return buf.toString();     }     public String[] getYearTable() {        setGregorian(gregorianYear,1,1);        computeChineseFields();        computeSolarTerms();        String[] table = new String[58]; // 6*9 + 4        table[0] = getTextLine(27, "巷煽定煽?"+gregorianYear);        table[1] = getTextLine(27, "滴煽定煽?"+(chineseYear+1)           + " ("+stemNames[(chineseYear+1-1)%10]           + branchNames[(chineseYear+1-1)%12]           + " - "+animalN

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