
Java套接字编程(下) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-22
mSocket(int port)函数,如果未能创建自寻址套接字或绑定自寻址套接字到本地端口,那么这两个函数都将抛出一个SocketException对象,一旦程序创建了DatagramSocket对象,那么程序分别调用send(DatagramPacket dgp)和 receive(DatagramPacket dgp)来发送和接收自寻址数据包,


Listing 4: DGSClient.java // DGSClient.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*; class DGSClient {   public static void main (String [] args)   {    String host = "localhost";    // If user specifies a command-line argument, that argument    // represents the host name.      if (args.length == 1)     host = args [0];    DatagramSocket s = null;    try    {     // Create a datagram socket bound to an arbitrary port.     s = new DatagramSocket ();     // Create a byte array that will hold the data portion of a     // datagram packet''s message. That message originates as a     // String object, which gets converted to a sequence of     // bytes when String''s getBytes() method is called. The     // conversion uses the platform''s default character set.     byte [] buffer;     buffer = new String ("Send me a datagram").getBytes ();     // Convert the name of the host to an InetAddress object.     // That object contains the IP address of the host and is     // used by DatagramPacket.     InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName (host);     // Create a DatagramPacket object that encapsulates a     // reference to the byte array and destination address     // information. The destination address consists of the     // host''s IP address (as stored in the InetAddress object)     // and port number 10000 -- the port on which the server     // program listens.     DatagramPacket dgp = new DatagramPacket (buffer,          buffer.length,          ia,          10000);     // Send the datagram packet over the socket.     s.send (dgp);     // Create a byte array to hold the response from the server.     // program.     byte [] buffer2 = new byte [100];     // Create a DatagramPacket object that specifies a buffer     // to hold the server program''s response, the IP address of     // the server program''s computer, and port number 10000.     dgp = new DatagramPacket (buffer2,        buffer.length,        ia,        10000);     // Receive a datagram packet over the socket.     s.receive (dgp);     // Print the data returned from the server program and stored     // in the datagram packet.     System.out.println (new String (dgp.getData ()));    }    catch (IOException e)    {     System.out.println (e.toString ());    }    finally    {     if (s != null)      s.close ();    }   } }




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