
使用Maps - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-26


时间:2007-05-28 yycnet.yeah.net yyc译

Map(接口) 维持“键-值”对应关系(对),以便通过一个键查找相应的值HashMap* 基于一个散列表实现(用它代替Hashtable)。针对“键-值”对的插入和检索,这种形式具有最稳定的性能。可通过构建器对这一性能进行调整,以便设置散列表的“能力”和“装载因子”ArrayMap 由一个ArrayList后推得到的Map。对反复的顺序提供了精确的控制。面向非常小的Map设计,特别是那些需要经常创建和删除的。对于非常小的Map,创建和反复所付出的代价要比HashMap低得多。但在Map变大以后,性能也会相应地大幅度降低TreeMap 在一个“红-黑”树的基础上实现。查看键或者“键-值”对时,它们会按固定的顺序排列(取决于Comparable或Comparator,稍后即会讲到)。TreeMap最大的好处就是我们得到的是已排好序的结果。TreeMap是含有subMap()方法的唯一一种Map,利用它可以返回树的一部分。

Map (interface)

Maintains key-value associations (pairs), so you can look up a value using a key.


Implementation based on a hash table. (Use this instead of Hashtable.) Provides constant-time performance for inserting and locating pairs. Performance can be adjusted via constructors that allow you to set the capacity and load factor of the hash table.


Implementation based on a red-black tree. When you view the keys or the pairs, they will be in sorted order (determined by Comparable or Comparator, discussed later). The point of a TreeMap is that you get the results in sorted order. TreeMap is the only Map with the subMap() method, which allows you to return a portion of the tree.


//: Map1.java
// Things you can do with Maps
package c08.newcollections;
import java.util.*;

public class Map1 {
  public final static String[][] testData1 = {
    { "Happy", "Cheerful disposition" },
    { "Sleepy", "Prefers dark, quiet places" },
    { "Grumpy", "Needs to work on attitude" },
    { "Doc", "Fantasizes about advanced degree"},
    { "Dopey", "''A'' for effort" },
    { "Sneezy", "Struggles with allergies" },
    { "Bashful", "Needs self-esteem workshop"},
  public final static String[][] testData2 = {
    { "Belligerent", "Disruptive influence" },
    { "Lazy", "Motivational problems" },
    { "Comatose", "Excellent behavior" }
  public static Map fill(Map m, Object[][] o) {
    for(int i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
      m.put(o[i][0], o[i][1]);
    return m;
  // Producing a Set of the

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