

作者 佚名技术 来源 程序设计 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-29
rce string that the function maps or uses for sort key generation.


[in] Specifies the number of TCHARs in the string pointed to by the lpSrcStr parameter.

This count can include the NULL terminator, or not include it. If the NULL terminator is included in the character count, it does not greatly affect the mapping behavior. That is because NULL is considered to be unsortable, and always maps to itself.

A cchSrc value of any negative value specifies that the string pointed to by lpSrcStr is null-terminated. If this is the case, and LCMapString is being used in its string-mapping mode, the function calculates the string's length itself, and null-terminates the mapped string stored into *lpDestStr.


[out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the mapped string or sort key.

If LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, LCMapString stores a sort key into the buffer. The sort key is stored as an array of byte values in the following format:

[all Unicode sort weights] 0x01 [all Diacritic weights] 0x01 [all Case weights] 0x01 [all Special weights] 0x00

Note that the sort key is null-terminated. This is true regardless of the value of cchSrc. Also note that, even if some of the sort weights are absent from the sort key, due to the presence of one or more ignore flags in dwMapFlags, the 0x01 separators and the 0x00 terminator are still present.


[in] Specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the buffer pointed to by lpDestStr.

If the function is being used for string mapping, the size is a character count. If space for a NULL terminator is included in cchSrc, then cchDest must also include space for a NULL terminator.

If the function is being used to generate a sort key, the size is a byte count. This byte count must include space for the sort key 0x00 terminator.

If cchDest is zero, the function's return value is the number of characters, or bytes if LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, required to hold the mapped string or sort key. In this case, the buffer pointed to by lpDestStr is not used.


If the function succeeds, and the value of cchDest is nonzero, the return value is the number of characters, or bytes if LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, written to the buffer. This count includes room for a NULL terminator.

If the function succeeds, and the value of cchDest is zero, the return value is the size of the buffer in characters, or bytes if LCMAP_SORTKEY is specified, required to receive the translated string or sort key. This size includes room for a NULL terminator.

If the function fails, the return value is 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. GetLastError may return one of the following error codes:





The mapped string is null terminated if the source string is null terminated.

The ANSI version of this function maps strings to and from Unicode based on the specified LCID's default ANSI code page.

For the ANSI version of this function, the LC

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