

作者 佚名技术 来源 CSS技术 浏览 发布时间 2012-03-04
y consensus. Standards must be free of controversy. If a feature is too murky to produce a consensus, then it should not be a candidate for standardization. It is for a good reason that “design by committee” is a pejorative. Standards bodies should not be in the business of design. They should stick to careful specification, which is important and difficult work.

现在看来标准的主体并不是一个创新的好地方。这也正是实验室存在的目的。标准必须经过一致的协商,也必须有充分的辩论。如果一个特性很难达成一致,那么它应 该从标准草案中去除。标准的主体不能在有商业目的的情况下设计。它们必须坚持谨慎的设计,这同时是一个相当困难的工作。

I see similar stories in HTML5. The early work of WHATWG in documenting the undocumented behavior of HTML was brilliant. It went off the rails when people started to just make new stuff up. There is way too much controversy in HTML5. I would like to see a complete reset with a stronger set of design rules. Things can be much worse than the way things currently are. Having smart people with good intentions is necessary but not sufficient for making good standards.




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