

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-04-26
em to be mounted. For ordinary mounts it will hold (a link to) a block special device node (as created by mknod(8)) for the device to be mounted, like `/dev/cdrom'' or `/dev/sdb7''. For NFS mounts one will have <host>:<dir>, e.g., `knuth.aeb.nl:/''. For procfs, use `proc''.

2. 没啥说的挂载点 注意swap等

The second field, (fs_file), describes the mount point for the filesystem. For swap partitions, this field should be specified as `none''. If the name of the mount point contains spaces these can be escaped as `40''.

3. 文件系统的格式

The third field, (fs_vfstype), describes the type of the filesystem. Linux supports lots of filesystem types, such as adfs, affs, autofs, coda, coher-ent, cramfs, devpts, efs, ext2, ext3, hfs, hpfs, iso9660, jfs, minix, msdos, ncpfs, nfs, ntfs, proc, qnx4, reiserfs, romfs, smbfs, sysv, tmpfs, udf, ufs,umsdos, vfat, xenix, xfs, and possibly others. For more details, see mount(8). For the filesystems currently supported by the running kernel, see /proc/filesystems. An entry swap denotes a file or partition to be used for swapping, cf. swapon(8). An entry ignore causes the line to be ignored.This is useful to show disk partitions which are currently unused.

4. 挂载之后的访问状态The fourth field, (fs_mntops), describes the mount options associated with the filesystem.

It is formatted as a comma separated list of options. It contains at least the type of mount plus any additional options appropriate to the filesystem type. For documentation on the available options for non-nfs file systems, see mount(8). For documentation on all nfs-specific options have a look at nfs(5). Common for all types of file system are the options ``noauto'''' (do not mount when "mount -a" is given, e.g., at boot time), ``user'''' (allow a user to mount), and ``owner'''' (allow device owner to mount), and ``comment'''' (e.g., for use by fstab-maintaining programs). The ``owner'''' and ``com-ment'''' options are Linux-specific. For more details, see mount(8).

5. 提供DUMP功能,在系统DUMP时是否需要BACKUP的标志位,其内定值是0.

The fifth field, (fs_freq), is used for these filesystems by the dump(8) command to determine which filesystems need to be dumped. If the fifth field is not present, a value of zero is returned and dump will assume that the filesystem does not need to be dumped.

6. 设定此filesystem是否要在开机时做check的动作,除了root的filesystem其必要的check为1之外,其它皆可视需要设定,内定值是0

The sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8) program to determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time. The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno of 1, and other filesystems should have a fs_passno of 2. Filesystems within a drive will be checked sequentially, but filesystems on different drives will be checked at the same time to utilize parallelism available in the hardware. If the s

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