

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-21
如果是这种情况的话,我们定义的PleaseWait()函数会加在已经存在的onclick代码的最后面,紧跟在客户端检查的boolin变量Page_IsValid后面。这个变量代表是否使用了验证控件。如果Page_IsValid的值是false,"Please wait"信息将不显示。如果为True则显示。

private string ModifyJavaScriptOnClick(string sHtml)
   // Thanks to CodeProject member KJELLSJ (Kjell-Sverre Jerijaervi)
   // for code ideas to allow the button to work with client-side validation

   string sReturn = "";
   string sPleaseWaitCode = GeneratePleaseWaitJavascript();

   // is there an existing onclick attribute?
   Regex rOnclick = new Regex("onclick=\"(?<onclick>[^\"]*)");
   Match mOnclick = rOnclick.Match(sHtml);
   if (mOnclick.Success)
     // there is an existing onclick attribute;
     // add our code to the end of it; if client-side
     // validation has been rendered, make sure
     // we check to see if the page is valid;
     string sExisting = mOnclick.Groups["onclick"].Value;
     string sReplace = sExisting
         + (sExisting.Trim().EndsWith(";") ? "" : "; ");
     if (IsValidatorIncludeScript() && this.CausesValidation)
       // include code to check if the page is valid
       string sCode = "if (Page_IsValid) " + sPleaseWaitCode
               + " return Page_IsValid;";
       // add our code to the end of the existing onclick code;
       sReplace = sReplace + sCode;
       // don''t worry about the page being valid;
       sReplace = sReplace + sPleaseWaitCode;

     // now substitute our onclick code
     sReplace = "onclick=\"" + sReplace;
     sReturn = rOnclick.Replace(sHtml, sReplace);
     // there isn''t an existing onclick attribute;
     // add ours
     int i = sHtml.Trim().Length - 2;
     string sInsert = " onclick=\"" + sPleaseWaitCode + "\" ";
     sReturn = sHtml.Insert(i, sInsert);
   return sReturn;


这个IsValidatorIncludeScript() 利用上面的检查来查看是否有使用页面注册的asp.net验证控件的标准Javascript代码块。下面则用一个简单的方法测试了是否有验证代码和像Page_IsValid的变量存在。

private bool IsValidatorIncludeScript()
   // return TRUE if this page has registered javascript
   // for client-side validation; this code may not be registered
   // if ASP.NET detects what it thinks (correctly or incorrectly)
   // is a down-level browser.

   return this.Page.IsStartupScriptRegistered("ValidatorIncludeScript");

下面这个GeneratePleaseWaitJavascript()构建了包含在onclick属性中的PleaseWait() Javascript函数。我们可以通过检查控件的属性来决定想要的布局。

private string GeneratePleaseWaitJavascript()
   // create a JavaScript "PleaseWait()" func

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