

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-21
ascript code is kept
   // in an embedded resource; load the script
   // and register it with the page.

private void RegisterJavascriptFromResource()
   // load the embedded text file "javascript.txt"
   // and register its contents as client-side script
   string sScript = GetEmbeddedTextFile("javascript.txt");
   this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("PleaseWaitButtonScript", sScript);

private string GetEmbeddedTextFile(string sTextFile)
   // generic function for retrieving the contents
   // of an embedded text file resource as a string

   // we''ll get the executing assembly, and derive
   // the namespace using the first type in the assembly
   Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
   String sNamespace = a.GetTypes()[0].Namespace;

   // with the assembly and namespace, we''ll get the
   // embedded resource as a stream
   Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream(
         string.Format("{0}.{1}", sNamespace, sTextFile)
   // read the contents of the stream into a string
   StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s);
   String sContents = sr.ReadToEnd();


   return sContents;

javascript.txt嵌入资源包含了按钮在Javascript的onclick句柄中执行的客户端方法PleaseWait()。这段代码也调用了一个客户端方法HideDiv()以隐藏按钮的容器<div>,然后通过设置innerHTML属性把信息或图像组装进之前空的<div>标记中。辅助函数GetDiv()则是通过检查document.getElementById, document.all, 和 document.layers用id返回一个<div>对象,保证了不同浏览器的兼容性。下面是javascript.txt的全部代码:

<script language="JavaScript">
function GetDiv(sDiv)
   var div;
   if (document.getElementById)
     div = document.getElementById(sDiv);
   else if (document.all)
     div = eval("window." + sDiv);
   else if (document.layers)
     div = document.layers[sDiv];
     div = null;

   return div;

function HideDiv(sDiv)
   d = GetDiv(sDiv);
   if (d)
     if (document.layers) d.visibility = "hide";
     else d.style.visibility = "hidden";

function PleaseWait(sDivButton, sDivMessage, sInnerHtml)
   var d = GetDiv(sDivMessage);
   if (d) d.innerHTML = sInnerHtml;

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