
[翻译]PHP安全小建议( 下)

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-23

  PHP Security Tip #14

  Cal Evans (editor) | 2 comments | Wednesday, March 21, 2007

  Almost any application running PHP on the back-end uses web technologies for it’s front end. Many developers who think hard on PHP security, don’t spend a thought on front-end security for their application. Here’s a tip to think long and hard about when building your HTML and JavaScript.

  Any data inside of a cookie can be potentially seen by others- restrict to a minimum

  It’s a sad fact on today’s web but there are bad people out there. They want nothing more than for your application to leak sensitive data so they can exploit it. Make sure you look at the whole picture when evaluating the security of your application. This is very important when looking at what information you persist on the front end.







  PHP Security Tip #15

  Cal Evans (editor) | 5 comments | Friday, March 23, 2007

  As developers, most of us are very messy. I’ve worked on countless projects and at each either run across or left a trail of diagnostic files laying around. (info.php, test.php, doMe.php, etc.) These tiles, if found by someone with nefarious intent, can leak valuable information about your system.

  Today’s Security tip is:

  Don’t forget to purge temporary system diagnostic files.

  It would be a shame to spend all that time securing your application only to leave info.php or worse yet, a “quick piece of code” in test.php that could potentially leak dangerous information about your system. Don’t help the ad guys any more than you have to.


  p.s. Got a security tip? Post it! If it’s good enough we’ll share it with everybody else. Just log-in and click the contribute link in the upper right corner.



  作为开发者,我们大部分的人都是非常肮脏的,我为无数项目工作过。每次都能发现或者留下一堆额外的诊断文件,随地乱放。像(info.php, test.php ,doMe.php等),这些文件,如果被某个怀有不良企图的人发现,将很有可能泄露系统的有用信息。




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