
[翻译]PHP安全小建议( 下)

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-23
糟的,在test.php“一段快速代码片断",它们都会潜在地泄露关于系统的危险信息,不要再助那些发广告的家伙(ad guys)一臂之力了。

  p.s. 你也有安全方面的小建议,把它发布出来吧,能和他人分享是一件再好不过的事了,只要登录并点击右上角的贡献按钮。


  PHP Security Tip #16

  sascha_leib | 1 comment | Monday, March 26, 2007

  Keep Your Framework Up to Date

  I have posted it before as comment, but since I believe that this is a very important issue, it might be worth a ‘security tip’ of its own:

  Make sure any framework you are using is updated regularly.

  This is especially important if you are working on a ‘one-shot’ client project. It is important to think about who is going to maintain the site if (or rather: when) a security patch is issued for any of the 3rd party files.

  Usually, these sites are placed on a shared hosting site, and that means the provider is responsible for keeping PHP, database system, web server, etc. up to date – but they will probably not maintain the frameworks you have installed.

  Using frameworks is generally a good idea – not only because they take a lot of the work away from you, but also because any potential security issue will (usually) quickly be dealt with.

  On the other side, this means that security issues in these frameworks are very well documented – and it is all to easy for a malicious hacker to search for old versions of the framework in use, and exploit these problems.

  I have seen many, many sites which are still using extremely old and outdated files – simply because there is nobody there to update it. And I’m talking about old PEAR installs (with known issues with the ‘Mail’ component) and worse!


  PHP 安全建议 #16









  我看过很多很多的网站仍然在使用一些非常老的、过期的文件,仅仅是因为没有人去更新它,还在使用旧版 的PEAR 库(其中广为人知的Mail组件安全问题) 的网站会更糟!

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