
Java套接字编程(上) - 编程入门网

作者 佚名技术 来源 NET编程 浏览 发布时间 2012-06-22
Create a buffered reader that chains to the input stream     // reader. The buffered reader supplies a convenient method     // for reading entire lines of text.     br = new BufferedReader (isr);     // Create a print writer that chains to the socket''s byte-     // oriented output stream. The print writer creates an     // intermediate output stream writer that converts     // characters sent to the socket to bytes. The conversion     // is based on the platform''s default character set.     pw = new PrintWriter (s.getOutputStream (), true);     // Create a calendar that makes it possible to obtain date     // and time information.     Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance ();     // Because the client program may send multiple commands, a     // loop is required. Keep looping until the client either     // explicitly requests termination by sending a command     // beginning with letters BYE or implicitly requests     // termination by closing its output stream.     do     {      // Obtain the client program''s next command.      String cmd = br.readLine ();      // Exit if client program has closed its output stream.      if (cmd == null)       break;      // Convert command to uppercase, for ease of comparison.      cmd = cmd.toUpperCase ();      // If client program sends BYE command, terminate.      if (cmd.startsWith ("BYE"))       break;      // If client program sends DATE or TIME command, return      // current date/time to the client program.      if (cmd.startsWith ("DATE") || cmd.startsWith ("TIME"))       pw.println (c.getTime ().toString ());      // If client program sends DOM (Day Of Month) command,      // return current day of month to the client program.      if (cmd.startsWith ("DOM"))       pw.println ("" + c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));      // If client program sends DOW (Day Of Week) command,      // return current weekday (as a string) to the client      // program.      if (cmd.startsWith ("DOW"))       switch (c.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK))      {       case Calendar.SUNDAY : pw.println ("SUNDAY");        break;       case Calendar.MONDAY : pw.println ("MONDAY");        break;       case Calendar.TUESDAY : pw.println ("TUESDAY");        break;       case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: pw.println ("WEDNESDAY");        break;       case Calendar.THURSDAY : pw.println ("THURSDAY");        break;       case Calendar.FRIDAY : pw.println ("FRIDAY");        break;       case Calendar.SATURDAY : pw.println ("SATURDAY");      }      // If client program sends DOY (Day of Year) command,      // return current day of year to the client program.      if (cmd.startsWith ("

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