

作者 佚名技术 来源 Linux系统 浏览 发布时间 2012-05-03
个服务项 [root@localhost Server]# rpm -ivh bind-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm warning: bind-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:bind ########################################### [100%] [root@localhost Server]# 还有 先装主包 后装从包 [root@localhost Server]# rpm -ivh bind-utils-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm warning: bind-utils-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] package bind-utils-9.3.3-10.el5 is already installed [root@localhost Server]# 出现警告 [root@localhost Server]# rpm -e bind-utils [root@localhost Server]# rpm -ivh bind-utils-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm warning: bind-utils-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:bind-utils ########################################### [100%] [root@localhost Server]# 我删掉再来一遍 ,好这下行了 还要装一个 [root@localhost Server]# rpm -ivh caching-nameserver-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm warning: caching-nameserver-9.3.3-10.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:caching-nameserver ########################################### [100%] [root@localhost Server]# 下一步,编辑 DNS主配置文件 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net在linux2.6 内核中的/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf的这个文件写的并不要好不建议使用,下面这个事从2.4内核中拷过来的,我们只需稍作修改即可 这里的//以后和/* */之间的内容为解释,或者说是注释 // generated by named-bootconf.pl options { directory "/var/named"; 指明当前主目录 /* * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source * directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged * port by default. */ // query-source address * port 53; }; // // a caching only nameserver config // controls { inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; }; }; zone "." IN { .就是根 type hint; 区域类型 file "named.ca"; }; zone "localhost" IN { 正向区域 type master; 类型 file "localhost.zone"; 默认文件 allow-update { none; }; 不允许动态更新 }; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN { 反向查找区域 type master; 反向类型 file "named.local"; 解析位置 allow-update { none; }; 不允许动态更新 }; include "/etc/rndc.key"; 修改如下 // generated by named-bootconf.pl options { directory "/var/named"; /* * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source * directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged 拥有帝国一切,皆有可能。欢迎访问phome.net* port by default. */ // query-source address * port 53; }; // // a caching only nameserver config //

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